Restorative Grief with Mandy Capehart

Does Grief Ever Get Easier?

Here are three ways to ensure that it will.

Mandy Capehart
8 min readJun 8, 2023


When does grief get easier? Will it ever get easier? Is easier even the right way to phrase my question? We are going to tackle all of these questions and more from my perspective as a trauma-informed certified grief educator and coach.

The way we do the work is equally as important as whether or not we do the work at all. As any mason will tell you, the bricks can’t be layered incorrectly, lest the whole building tumbles from poor workmanship. Lives are at stake here, people — yours especially. So let’s look at a few foundational characteristics of intentional and lasting grief work that you can begin implementing today.

Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash

This next statement might get me some hate mail, but I need to say it anyway. The majority of grievers are not intentionally grieving. Most of the time, we are simply attempting to survive the day ahead without an onslaught of tears or other emotional disturbances. We keep our anger at bay, opting for numbness over expressions that may feel way too vulnerable. And I get it. It makes perfect sense that we would try to keep our lives as stable and steady as they ever were before.



Mandy Capehart

Writing about grief, beliefs, & psych/mindfulness. Author, Trauma-informed Certified Grief Educator & Master Mindset Coach. Somatic embodiment Practitioner.