Ask a Grief Coach

How to Submit to “Ask a Grief Coach”

Send your questions! Responses posted weekly.

Mandy Capehart


Ask a Grief Coach is an online column to address commonly received questions in private work with my clients. All names are kept anonymous, and the questions are shared with permission. As you read, keep the context of your own story in mind. No answers found here will apply directly to your circumstance because your grief is unique to you. However, the hope is that you will find tools and tips of support, whether you are the griever or the supporter.

Learning how to navigate grief in this current age of internet experts is daunting and overwhelming. While you may not have a personal coach or counselor on hand, even asking your friends can lead to questionable reactions and overwrought platitudes.

When it comes to grief, most people panic. Knowing what to say or how to say it makes us freeze and overthink, lest we hurt someone already hurting. Some may simply repeat what they’ve heard, not realizing the pain it can cause.

That’s where Ask a Grief Coach! can become your go-to resource for simple, straightforward support. I want to show up for you, as much as possible, by answering questions and being available as an empathetic resource. Don’t wade into the waters of grief without a life jacket. I’m here to provide tools and support so that when the waves hit, you no longer fear you will drown.

Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

One note — the context of your story matters. As mentioned above, your story will have specifics that will not fully apply to the answers I supply. My favorite reminder for this is to, “Chew the meat and spit out the bones.”
Ingest what serves, what nourishes — and let the rest just pass on by.

Submit your questions HERE or comment below.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

With love,


Mandy Capehart is a certified grief and life coach, and creator of The Restorative Grief Project. The Restorative Grief Project is an online community focusing on one another’s stories and new methodologies for grief, creating a safe environment for our souls to heal and our spirits to be revived. Registration is currently closed, but you can join the waitlist at or follow along with weekly columns on Ask A Grief Coach!



Mandy Capehart
Mandy Capehart

Written by Mandy Capehart

Writing about grief, beliefs, & psych/mindfulness. Author, Trauma-informed Certified Grief Educator & Master Mindset Coach. Somatic embodiment Practitioner.

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